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Would you like a free book and digital webinar replay about how to treat your foot pain?

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About The Guide

In "Patients Guide To Foot Pain And Treatments," you will get practical advice on how to take care of your foot pain. 

This guide is a must have for anyone who is not familiar with the challenges of foot pain and what treatment options are available. 

This resources is also a valuable tool for those that have had treatment and are wanting to make sure they are getting proper care for their foot condition. 

In this guide Drs. Feldman, Pelto, Saviet & Associates cover many topics such as common myths about foot problems, signs that you should urgently see a podiatrist, tips to avoid foot problems, and exact questions you should ask your foot doctor.

Bonus Webinar Recordings

Webinar Series Recording

As an added bonus to this guide there are included a series of webinar replays of the most common foot pain problems.

These webinars are packed with over six hours of solid information on how to care for your feet.

The doctors cover topics such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, flat feet, bunions, neuromas, arthritis and nail conditions such as fungus and ingrown toenails.

Start Learning Today

Fill in the form and you will get instant access to our guide and you will start on the path to recovery. 

Everyone who fills out the form will get online access to our Guide and Webinar Recordings but those living around Massachusetts will get mailed resources as well.

To your health,

Drs. Feldman, Pelto, Saviet & Associates